2018 National Elementary (K-6) Championship

Who: Team S aka Ronac, Vihan and Max (Vincent is not part of the team yet, he may be in the future)

When: May 9 to 12

Where: We drove 4 hours to Nashville.

What:  Team  S is competing in National elementary championship.

We did blitz tournament first night, and I won 6 and lost 6 and ranked 71 out of 129. I ranked number 3 in Blitz between 700 and 799 ratings.

I won my first game today with an opponent.

Here is my second rating


I lost my 3rd and 4th games 🙁


Here is my 5th game which I won.

Here is my 6th game which I won.

I lost the last game 🙁




my birthday party

At my birthday I went  to MAIN EVENT ENTERTAINMENT. In bowling  games Henry got 1ST place me and John tied for 2ND place Reaves got 3RD place 4TH was Micah ,5TH was Nate and  last was Wenze and he got five fouls! In laser tag me,John and ronac were on the same team. We won! In arcade I got 1024 points!

my lunch at gus’s

My dad and I ate lunch at Gus's fried chicken. I ate chicken tenders and  had Fanta. My dad ate chicken thigh and leg's, mac and cheese and beans. here's the picture:

Atlanta National Junior high championship games

I went to rock climbing in between games and I completed 5 routes of 5.6 and 5.7.

I did complete my first game. I lost 🙁 but I learned a lot from it. I will defend better next time! Nevertheless I noted the whole game! Here it is.

I lost the second game after a long fight.


I won the third game. I really enjoyed this game.

I lost the 4th game after I blunder my queen.

I won the game. I blundered the knight first but my opponent blundered back 3 pieces. And I checkmated my opponent.

I lost the 6th game. I had material advantage but my opponent had a passed pawn. I should have won this game if I defended better and kept checking him.

In the last game, I blundered so much including a knight, a bishop and a rook. I have to be more careful against the skewer attacks.

Atlanta National Junior high chess blitz championship

I like my dad because he gave me the best birthday present ever!! I got my own website maxsun.org.

I competed in the national junior high blitz tournament in Atlanta. The kids I played against were all much older than me, but it is OK. I won 5 games and lost 7. And I beat a 8th grader in blitz championship game. Here is the picture:

I beat a 8th grader in blitz


US chess national 1st grade at Orlando

Playing a giant chess game with dad

My dad took me to Orlando for US chess national. This was my first national. I really enjoyed.

right before a blitz game

I am going to swim maybe

playing minigolf

there are a lot of people in the national.

This was a game I played there.

I won the game with black, and I think the opponent resigned.

Metro Atlanta K-5 Team State Qualifier

I attended Metro Atlanta K-5 Team State Qualifier. I played 4 games with 3 wins and 1 loss. My final ranking is 43.  I notated the games. Here is the first game I played.